The World According To Loner Bedstraw

My World, My Life, My Boredom




Priceless sci-fi conspiracy and outer-limits style freakness stored for all eternity on my hard disk. I got my mits on the lend of the DVD pack from a friend, watched the ones i hadnt finished downloading, but still finished them because i can keep my geekiness with me… and its good for late night time wasting :D



I’ve got about a month to do 2 years of coursework… I’m screwed….. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Geek Unity

Nevermind in the same room, but I had OSX, XP, and Ubuntu running from multiboot all on my Sony Vaio. Not nearly as much fun as you’d think tho, the Darwin shell in OSX made it a beowolfe to startup, and even then the functionality was pretty pointless over all. So I wiped the OSX partition and am now triple booting 2 XP partitions, and Ubuntu.

Funness :D I recommend A Dual Linux Install for anyone dealing with networks or coding :)

Another Thing I'd Love To Do

I’d love to be able to pick locks. Not for any criminal purposes. But it wud b GREAT to hav some smart arse teacher locking something in their drawer, and then breaking it out :)
One Asshole Of A Teacher? £30,000-£40,000 p.a
One mp3 Player? £90
One Lockpicking Kit? £79.99
The Look On The Guys Face Wen He Sees Me With My Mp3 Player? Priceless
For everything else, theres a Dremel Multitool :D

Work Work Work...... Or Not

I’m broke, and i need money. I got kicked outta my last job because the boss didnt like me (it was one of those clicy places, kinda like a country club for farmers, like up their own arses but full of REAL shit, not metaphorical shit) and I’m completly unemployable :( Everyone is looking for previous experience and, to b honest, I’m gonna b educated… I hav no intention of having a career in staking shelves or being a checkout kid, but i still want the bit of money!!! Grrness :D


I plan everything, and it makes even thinking about a road trip scares me to the bone. I’ve always wanted to go off and go somewhere, like a rail trip around europe, but I’m always worried about going broke(er than i am atm) and getting stuck in Bratislava (Anyone seen Eurotrip?)
BUT its something that i would love to do, i just need to find decent walking socks…. Not my standard pope socks (holy)

Things I Wanna Do

I was browsing around, came to and found myself watching google current. (I recommend it too EVERYONE, tis the shizzle), then saw the interview with the guys, made me think....
So, I got to thinking, what DO i wanna do?
I dunno..... So I'll probably randomly post my random thoughts around here :D
Oh, oh, got one...
I wanna Learn C++ and Java.... Maybe SQL...
And I wanna have a three screen setup some day :)